Thursday, January 17, 2013

About Tantric Massage

A Closer Look at Tantric Massage*
Tantric Massage is growing to be one of the most popular forms of massage therapy as is widely available nationwide....
With Tantric massage, the skin being the largest sense organ of the body, thereby explaining why we have such a strong, innate need for sensual touch. Yes, we all have the "need" for touch. Consider how a child is reassured by a warm hug, how holding the hand of a loved brings feelings of comfort, or how a sensual massage back rub eases away tension. The simplest physical contact from a sensual massage therapist can trigger emotional and mental connections in return. The benefits of a sensual massage...are thus magnified.
Ultimately, a Tantric massage reduces stress levels and is believed to be highly beneficial for overall health. A massage that is done by a registered sensual massage therapist can improve circulation, the immune system and brain functions. Sensual massage is suggested to soothe muscles, headaches and certain allergies. It has even been credited with aiding the digestive and nervous systems.
Let's first unlock the differences between various types of Tantric massage.
1. Deep tissue massage is mainly used for sports.
2. Therapeutic massage is to relax and/or produce healthful benefits.
3. Swedish massage utilizes the entire hand in generally flowing movements to work muscles.
4. Shiatsu massage is a Japanese method of using the fingers to knead pressure points.
5. Tantric massage therapy holds the purpose of simply soothing, relaxing and stimulating the senses.
Lingam Massage*
The Sanskrit word for the male sexual organ is Lingam and is loosely translated as "Wand of Light." In Tantra or Sacred Sexuality, the Lingam is respectfully viewed and honored, as a "Wand of Light" that channels creative energy and pleasure.
Orgasm is not the goal of the Lingam massage although it can be a pleasant and welcome side effect. The goal is to massage the Lingam, also including testicles, perineum and Sacred Spot (prostate) externally, allowing the man to surrender to a form of pleasure he may not be accustomed to.
From this perspective both receiver and giver relax into the massage. Men need to learn to relax and receive. Traditional sexual conditioning has the man in a doing and goal oriented mode. The Lingam Massage allows the man to experience his softer, more receptive side and experience pleasure from a non-traditional perspective.

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